love, life, school and coffee.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Short Story Project - 17th October

Sam flung the e paper towards the side table and smiled to himself as it nicely landed close to the table edge. With the Triconda's half Earth Standard gravity, the e paper took a path similar to an object in a slightly viscous fluid.

"I don't get it. Even these syndicated comic strip characters are attached." Sam sighed.
"Yeah, so?" Elijah's eyes barely shifted from his music player. His lips were pursed in an attempt to keep up with the lyrics scrolling past the small screen.
"Heck. These characters are meant to be caricatures. Some of them are total losers if you go by society's standards. And now, they're making us believe that even total losers get attached."
"They're just some damned comics. Plus, who says that losers can't get attached? Literature is based on real life. And in real life, even losers get hitched cos losers have their own strong points."

Sam eyed Elijah, who was still running through the lyrics. Just what else is there to this guy? He's already proven to us that he pilots with his gut instinct; his fiery nature has often bought us more time as the enemy is busy reacting to his seemingly random attack patterns; his reaction times trump any one of ours; his ability to multi-task efficiently means that his mind is still working behind that facade of normality.

"You're probably thinking about how much a loser you are, about how you've been single all this while, about how you don't think a relationship will come into your life anytime soon." Elijah's observation was pointed, but Sam had to admit that it was on the mark.

"You're not a loser, Sam. You only think that you are. And I know you well enough to know that you'll start giving points on areas that you're not good in. And you'll compare yourself against me, against how I perform in my Enforcer. But know this: despite your indecisive nature, your conservative estimates on everything, your "play safe and provide supporting fire" role out there during battles, there are some things you'll always be better at.

"But you won't, cos it appears that you think this girl only looks at that one aspect of you. And you keep comparing yourself to me cos you know that we're both out to dazzle her. But what if she doesn't want to be dazzled, Sam?"

Sam swallowed hard. How did he get to that? Was it apparent how I've always compared myself to him just to prove my worth to Jayne? Is there really some other area Jayne is looking out for?

Sam needed to think. He reached for the e paper and called up the latest BattleRecorder reports. Analysing them was the only thing he was confident in. -Jimmy


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