Batman or Ironman?
If you could choose to be a hero, who would it be? Batman or Ironman?
First, the similarities:
Rich family backgrounds: Both Stark and Wayne Enterprise were built up by the heroes' parents, and the family background provides the basis of many of the fancy gadgets you see in both these comics.
Technology: Unlike other "superheroes" like Superman or Spiderman, both of them do not have special abilities, but they rely on their technology to fight crime. In both cases, the technology was created in-house, either from the nifty plot device of the family background or by the characters themselves.
Intelligence: Both characters are extremely bright individuals. Batman uses his wit to solve crimes and track down masterminds. Ironman built his suit using just bare materials in a dingy workshop.
Trusty Sidekicks: Batman can always count of Alfred to dispense a few wise words, whether it has to do with solving a particular mystery or to encourage Bruce Wayne to fight his inner demons. Ironman has Pepper Potts to provide his voice of reason, as well as the wisecracks of his trusty computer JARVIS.
Now the differences:
Batman has and will always be the dark and broody character who can never let go of his parents' murder. Meanwhile, Tony Stark is the flamboyant playboy who enjoys the high-life. Although he might claim that he fights crime to atone for his contributions to the proliferating weapons market, he probably does it more for the sheer kick of it.
Batman relies on stealth to gain the upper-hand in his crime-fighting. As such, he operates in the cover of darkness, striking from the shadows. Ironman would appear anytime of the day. The more the fireworks, the better.
And finally, the main reason I'd pick Ironman over Batman is simply because Batman merely glides, while Ironman flies. That makes him way cooler than Batman.
PS: During the course of discussing the merits of both Batman and Ironman, SS brought up an interesting thought: Does Cyclops sleep with his glasses on? If he does, doesn't it break often? If he doesn't, what would happen if he wakes up from a nightmare and jolts opens his eyes?
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