Another Birthday
Since my parents stopped buying me presents, birthdays have had very little significance for me. I mean, it’s just a date when I officially add one year to my age. Nowadays, I don’t even care what date it is, I take my age based on the year, as if my birthday is the first of January (yes, old age does that to you).
I know some friends who will fuss over their birthday and make it known to the whole world. They build up their excitement in the days before their birthday comes, they plan out what they want to do on that special day and they are absolutely beaming when people remember to wish them happy birthday.
I prefer to keep a low profile. The less people remember about my birthday, the less they’ll make a fuss. And the less they make a fuss, the better.
Firstly, I don’t fuss over someone else’s birthday. If I happen to remember it, then I’ll send an SMS. If I don’t remember it, forgive me, ok? Since you can’t expect me to remember and fuss over your birthday, I don’t expect you to do the same for me.
Secondly, even if someone fusses over my birthday, my social ineptness guarantees that you’ll be disappointed at my response. I won’t be all excited, and jumping up and down saying, “Wow! You guys remembered! I’m so surprised! This is my bestest birthday ever!”
It’s more like, “Oh, gee. Thanks.”
Better that people don’t remember it, so people won’t fuss, so I won’t have to feel uncomfortable that I actually mean something to them.
My 23rd birthday came along recently. I knew the Kroo will find a way to celebrate it like they do for every other member of the Kroo. But that’s about all I expected, which is fine, cos I could rehearse my surprise and “oh, gee. Thanks.” And I hoped everyone else forgot.
But they didn’t. Tf managed to get a muffin during her lunch break, gather all the interns at the fish tank, and get Pi to trick me into going there. (Sorry, Tf, but the muffin really was gelat.) I had no idea to respond to that. The nice perm staff sitting around me got wind of my birthday, and they bought a slice of cake, a card and a 4D ticket with my birthdate, all during office hours, and all co-ordinated without me knowing. (The numbers didn’t strike. I do not have a lucky birthdate.) The Kroo snuck a cake into the dance concert we were watching, and tricked me into going out to blow out the candle that was on it. (I’m starting to believe I get tricked easily. The next thing you know, you’ll prolly hear me ranting about some salesmen selling me valuable “healing stones”.)
Then there were the nice SMS and emails that I got from Mr. President, Bene, Lt Goh, Fenny, H’s wifey and L. (Although L was one day late. But I didn’t mind. The less people know about my bday, the better.)
For all the people who bothered, thanks. For those who didn’t know, it’s fine really. I can’t guarantee I’ll remember your bday. When 1st Jan rolls along next year, I’ll be 24. -Jimmy
I know some friends who will fuss over their birthday and make it known to the whole world. They build up their excitement in the days before their birthday comes, they plan out what they want to do on that special day and they are absolutely beaming when people remember to wish them happy birthday.
I prefer to keep a low profile. The less people remember about my birthday, the less they’ll make a fuss. And the less they make a fuss, the better.
Firstly, I don’t fuss over someone else’s birthday. If I happen to remember it, then I’ll send an SMS. If I don’t remember it, forgive me, ok? Since you can’t expect me to remember and fuss over your birthday, I don’t expect you to do the same for me.
Secondly, even if someone fusses over my birthday, my social ineptness guarantees that you’ll be disappointed at my response. I won’t be all excited, and jumping up and down saying, “Wow! You guys remembered! I’m so surprised! This is my bestest birthday ever!”
It’s more like, “Oh, gee. Thanks.”
Better that people don’t remember it, so people won’t fuss, so I won’t have to feel uncomfortable that I actually mean something to them.
My 23rd birthday came along recently. I knew the Kroo will find a way to celebrate it like they do for every other member of the Kroo. But that’s about all I expected, which is fine, cos I could rehearse my surprise and “oh, gee. Thanks.” And I hoped everyone else forgot.
But they didn’t. Tf managed to get a muffin during her lunch break, gather all the interns at the fish tank, and get Pi to trick me into going there. (Sorry, Tf, but the muffin really was gelat.) I had no idea to respond to that. The nice perm staff sitting around me got wind of my birthday, and they bought a slice of cake, a card and a 4D ticket with my birthdate, all during office hours, and all co-ordinated without me knowing. (The numbers didn’t strike. I do not have a lucky birthdate.) The Kroo snuck a cake into the dance concert we were watching, and tricked me into going out to blow out the candle that was on it. (I’m starting to believe I get tricked easily. The next thing you know, you’ll prolly hear me ranting about some salesmen selling me valuable “healing stones”.)
Then there were the nice SMS and emails that I got from Mr. President, Bene, Lt Goh, Fenny, H’s wifey and L. (Although L was one day late. But I didn’t mind. The less people know about my bday, the better.)
For all the people who bothered, thanks. For those who didn’t know, it’s fine really. I can’t guarantee I’ll remember your bday. When 1st Jan rolls along next year, I’ll be 24. -Jimmy
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