love, life, school and coffee.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

League of Extraordinary Superheroes

Iron Man: Laborious Laundryman
"Spray starch and steam works wonders on those wrinkled clothes."

Hansel Gretel: Androgynous Adventurer
"Who cleared the cookies from my GPS navigator?"

Mary and Bar Bar: Girl and destructive sheep
"Bar Bar, will you follow me everywhere I go?" "Yes, sir. Yes, sir."

Spiderman: Anxious Arachnid
"What time's the appointment again? Aren't we supposed to be making a move by now? Am I dressed for the occasion? I'm so worked up I'm sweating silk!"

The Flash, Green Lantern and Human Torch: Individuals of Illumination
"Batteries not included"

Twinkle: Cheeky Celestial
"You wonder how I am? I'll show you the diamond of the sky."

This: Aged Neurotic Numerophile
"Would you like me to play knick-knack on your thumb?"

Hickory, Dickory and Dock: The trinity of clocks
"That mouse just ran over my erogenous zones!" -Jimmy


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