love, life, school and coffee.

Monday, October 03, 2005

A Story of a Boy

Everyone needs company. Just like the floor needs a Big Gulp.

This post is about a boy. Let's just call him Ah Cheng. AC is a university undergraduate studying in a local university. (There are only 3 at the moment, so you try guessing which) I wouldn't want AC to be identified, so let's just say that he's of average height, not exceptionally toned and is average looking.

AC had been studying in mixed-gender schools all these while. While he saw many of his peers get attached during his time in Secondary schools and Junior College, he himself did not get attached. AC claims that he wanted to concentrate on his studies. (In my opinion, I think he really didn't know what relationships were about and was afraid to commit, but I digress)

AC was enlisted into the army soon after his A levels. It was a time of great change in the army. Because of the transformation to a "leaner, 3G SAF", AC only had to spend 2 years and 2 months serving his nation. During this time, he saw people from all walks of life: noisy ah-bengs, lowly educated commanders and caring leaders. However, most of them were male. His closest army friends regularly invited him out to "chiong", but a night at the club always ended with AC taking a lone taxi ride home, without any new friends or contacts.

Out of the army, AC was eager for university life to start. He reasoned that studies wouldn't be as bad as the sh*t he had to put up with while in the army. (No offence to anyone, this is just the opinions of one person) Moreover, he was more than happy that he could finally be in close contact with females, after 2 years in the army.

Orientation was a blast. AC made lots of friends, both guys and girls. While he was not painfully shy, AC had limited contact with females back in secondary school and junior college, preferring instead the company of his "brudders". For probably the first time in his life, AC realised that girls were not that much different from guys. He had fun telling them lame jokes and they also shared silly anecdotes.

As school drew near, AC kept in contact with his friends through MSN messenger. While he was not eyeing anyone in particular, he felt that he clicked with certain females from his group and really wanted them to progress.

School starts. The weeks go by. Workload builds up. Soon, AC's life is filled with lessons, then assignments, then project work and presentations. Of course, there were the regular quizzes that kept even a bright boy like AC on his toes. Constantly placed under the workload, AC began to wonder if there could be more to uni life than just work. Sure, he actively participated in his favourite game of floorball every week, but deep inside, AC yearned for more.

AC started being very interested in a BGR. (I wonder why it's always referred to as "Boy-Girl Relationship", not "Girl-Boy Relationship". Gender discrimination at play? Maybe for another blog post.) He actively tried to get closer to some of his new female friends. AC tried his best to know them better, hoping that they would reciprocate and he would move onto the fast-track of BGR. Unfortunately for our hero, none of the girls reciprocated in the way he had expected.

Meanwhile, the school work kept its pressure on our poor boy. His yearning for a more holistic life still ended up with nothing. AC became increasingly sure that a girlfriend was what he needed. However, the harder he tried, the harder his failure hit him. AC ended up feeling bouts of depression, often snapping at friends during project meetings.

I don't know how many people actually come up to this blog to read about the issues brought up. But here goes. Just what is a BGR like? Is it as wonderful and "flowery" as one might think? Is there really a greater sense of "fullness" for a person in a relationship? Just what does a relationship entail? Would you go into one if you didn't know? Is love truly blind, or is it blinding? Just a few questions to ponder over. - Jimmy

Disclaimer: The characters and situations depicted are based on real people. AC is an amalgamation of several people. As expected, AC is not a real name.


Blogger anonymous said...

it depends on how you look at "love" / "puppy love" / or whatever you class BGR at this stage. if you're the cynical sort, having a relationship wouldn't lessen your burden. in fact with commitment and everything else, you'll end up with more to think about. but i'm not saying no, if u think you're ready for a relationship, go for it. if not, wait a while, fate works in funny ways.

5:23 PM


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