love, life, school and coffee.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Of Sleepovers, Sex and Consequences

Everything has consequences. Even leaving your car unwashed.

This post was supposed to appear on Valentine's day. It was just supposed to state "My 22nd Lonely Valentine" and end off there. And it was meant to be a dare. So well, 3 weeks on, and I still don't have much to really opine about. But I'll try, ya?

There's been a hail of activities recently, and I sometimes wonder whether I should balance my time, or just say heck to balancing and lead an imbalanced life. So I guess I've been leading an imbalanced life, neglecting my writing as a form of escape. Anyway, in line with the Valentine's day post this was supposed to be, allow me to talk about something more controversial. Like premarital sex.

So it was another one of those days during the reccess week when we figured that we had enought of our books and wanted to spend a few hours just chilling and enjoying life. So the 3 of us decided on another sleepover. (Nope, no Brokeback details in this blog. I'm perfectly straight.) The last time we did a sleepover, we shelved our plan to climb Bukit Timah in the morning, so this time couldn't possibly be so bad.

Anyway,it was already close to 3 in the morning, having wasted the night away watching the racist cartoon known as The Simpsons. We were tucking ourselves in for the night when the topic of sex came out. Well, that wouldn't be so strange considering it was 3 guys together. One of them first talked about his first time. Another said that he had problems even finding a girl. I refused to comment. The others wondered what my stand about premarital sex. I am against it, so I said so. It then became a "what's your position and justify it" session. The other's were not against it, claiming that it's no longer a conservative society and the norms are changing. Also, they used the "Appeal to majority": if many other people they know are doing it, they see no harm in doing it themselves. I wasn't sure why my stand on premarital sex was such. And I thus gave a very weak argument.

The next day, I did some thinking. Is it truly alright to engage in premarital sex? The Appeal to majority argument seemed very convincing. Why do I have such a strong view on it? Probably not the many moral education lessons back in JC and secondary school. Perhaps it's what my parents have ingrained in me. Or it might be that I'm afraid that I might contract sexually transmitted diseases. (At this point, some people might dismiss all the STD talks as mere "scare tactics" to keep the illegitimate birthrate low. Call me gullible or call me a scaredy cat, but I believe "prevention is better than cure". Or maybe it's "better safe than sorry".)

Ultimately, I dun think we should even fret over things such as why premarital sex is good or bad. I think that we can take charge of our own lives and live it how we want to; no one has any right to say what they should or should not do. Of course, education must be provided to inform individuals of the consequences of their actions. We are responsible for our own lives. Every little facet carries its own consequence, be it the naughty video in our cell phones, or every careless comment about the other races. With that thought in mind, I put off reading my textbooks and treated myself to a few games on the computer. -Jimmy


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