love, life, school and coffee.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Lost (and found?)

Don't go so mad that you start seeing Ribena berries...

In most blogs, this would be known as the "ranting post". You know how it goes: Blogger is frustrated and exasperated with the world in general and some people in particular, blogger writes a whole chunk to diss some people off, blogger gets it out of his or her system, blogger feels much better.

What shall I rant about, then? Well, I've been helping my best buddy organise a diving trip as part of his working commitee. I thought it would be good experience working with external parties to bring the joys of diving to fellow students. It would look nice on the CVs too.

However, diving, mid-term tests and project work doesn't go too well with one another. All throughout the week, I felt perpetually drained. The worst part about planning trips for other people is that you forget you'll be going for it yourself. You spend so much time telling others what to pack that you forget you'll have to pack too.

I don't blame the trip per se. School's slowly building up the pressure. I've got projects for all 4 modules and they're all far from completion. I've got more quizzes coming after the one week break. I foresee the break's just going to be another week spent meeting project work-mates in school.

What happened to "Me time"? Where did all those days when we could just meet up and chill along Orchard go? When was the last time I played pool with my brudders? The last time I met up with my JC/army/secondary school friends? I mourn the lost of "Me time". I rant about it.

Alas, the universe is a big place, and it doesn't centre around me. Or anyone of you out there. But seriously, if you have been busy organising events, or doing projects, or slogging it out at the workplace, give yourselves just 30 minutes. Even if you have lost "Me time", don't lose yourself. Find a way to reconnect. I just did. -Jimmy


Blogger rean said...

thanks bro,

you did great. it'd be a bitch w/o u helping me out with most of the stuff.


1:38 AM


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