love, life, school and coffee.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Monday Talks to Friday

Monday looked over to Friday. Friday was wearing his favourite pout and furrowed brows.
"Why so glum, Friday?"
"I'm having a freaking bad day la, Monday. Can't you tell?"
Monday's reply was a short sharp laugh of disbelief. "What's so bad about your day? I'm the one who's supposed to be complaining. Everyone sighs and pulls a long face on Mondays. Their tempers flare up so quickly, they tsktsk silly emails that they have to answer with political correctness and everyone wears blue to the office!"

Friday deadpanned, "And that's supposed to be better than people who don't do work over the week, people who don't plan in advance and then realise that they have to get things done on Friday? That it's better on Friday cos people start pushing their panic buttons and pulling all the strings they can just to get things done in time for the weekend? That it's fine that people are put through someone else's frayed tempers even though the latter simply was inefficient but had to take it out on someone?

"Tell me why I should feel happy that these people think they have the right of way to get things done on time when they were the ones holding work up. Tell me why no one thinks that these people were the ones who were slow, that they were holding the line up. Tell me why it's only the people who consolidates the reports, who eventually sends out the email blasts, who has to reserve a room for meetings, tell me why only these people get blamed for being "slow"? What about the others who took their time doing their bits for the report and submitted past the deadline? What about the others who couldn't do their graphic designing earlier so that the email could have been sent out on time? What about the others who couldn't decide when to hold their meetings and decide to put off that decision until wayyyyy past the meeting room booking deadline?"

"Oh gee, Friday. That's some temper you've got brewing. But look on the bright side, you've got Saturday and Sunday to keep you company. They sure have hot figures. By the way, can you pass me Saturday's number? She's still single, right?"

"Yea? Well, these people who want things their own way simply laze through another week, then push the panic buttons again the next Friday. It's disgusting. F**king idiots." -Jimmy


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